Frederick Douglass An Abolitionist

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It is well known that slavery was encouraged and supported by many people in the United States, but there were also individuals that disagreed on this, they were called abolitionists. Frederick Douglass is perhaps the most known abolitionist from American history. He was the one responsible for making a ton of support for the abolitionist development in the years prior to the Civil War. He, alongside numerous others, were able to gain support for and consideration regarding the abolitionist development. Individuals like him are the reason why enslavement ended in the United States.

Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey (this was his original name) was conceived into slavery on a plantation in Talbot County, Maryland, around 1818. The precise …show more content…

It was here that Douglass met William Lloyd Garrison a white abolitionist who was well known for his weekly newspaper The Liberator and continued to work Garrison to oppose oppression. At the prompting of Garrison, Douglass composed and distributed his first personal biography, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, in 1845. This story became one of the most popular books in the United States and was even deciphered into a few European languages. He distributed three renditions of his autobiography amid his lifetime, amending and developing his work every time. In 1855 My Bondage and My Freedom were published. While in 1881, Douglass distributed Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, which he changed in 1892. In spite of the fact that these autobiographies spread the injustice in enslavement it, however likewise motioned to his previous masters that he was still alive. To avoid being recaptured he set out to Britain and Ireland, where he kept on advocating about slavery and how it isn't …show more content…

Some of which are Frederick Douglass Weekly, Frederick Douglass' Monthly, New National Era and the most famous one The North Star. Other than being an abolitionist, he was likewise a supporter of women's' rights. In 1848, he was the only African American that went to the first women's rights rally at Seneca Falls, New York. At the time of the Civil War, Douglass was at that point a standout amongst the most well known black men in the nation. So he utilized his influence to change the parts and status of African Americans amid the war. In 1863, Douglass met with President Abraham Lincoln in regards to the treatment of black soldiers, and later with President Andrew Johnson on the subject of black suffrage. He was likewise nominated to be vice president, however never campaigned since he was selected without assent or knowledge. This was, however marked as the first time that an African American showed up on a presidential ballot. He had numerous astounding accomplishments, he achieved amid his lifetime and would have accomplished even but like all humans we are destined to die. On February 20, 1895 Douglass from either a heart attack or stroke. Frederick Douglass turned into an inspiration to numerous people of various ethnicities. He turned into an image of his age and a one of a kind voice for humanism and social equity. His life and thought will dependably speak significantly to the importance of being black

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