George Washington Carver: From Slave To Scientist

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The book “George Washington Carver: From Slave to Scientist” is a brilliant book that describes and analyzes the life and legacy of George Washington Carver. What makes it brilliant is that instead of the author writing the book as a biography, he wrote it as a story. This makes the book more appealing to readers and it makes them more attentive to learn more about human history. George Washington Carver was a baby born unto a nineteen year old named Mary in Missouri during the mid-1800s. George and his sister were kidnapped and sold into slavery in another state. Once slavery had been abolished, George was raised by his slave owners. At a young age he was encouraged to pursue his education and strengthen his intellectual way he viewed the …show more content…

If his character had to be labeled, he would be labeled as a dynamic protagonist. He would be considered dynamic because of the great deeds and achievements that he was known for. He is considered a protagonist because of the good he did for others and his ability to persevere through conflict. Most of George’s life was about him overcoming adversity and racism, and though all this he also showed extreme love for others. An example of this could be found in chapter 12. “George could see both sides of the debate, and while he agreed with Booker T. Washington, he did not want to make an enemy of W.E.B. Dubois. George believed that every man had to follow his own conscience, and no one could say that George Washington Carver was not helping white people to accept and respect him as a black scientist. (Benge 143)” This quote could be inferred to mean that George Washington Carver wanted no enemies, not even of white people. This goes to show the type of man that he was and the type of legacy he left behind. To this day, George Washington Carver is recognized as one of the most influential scientist of all time and a true inspiration for African-Americans looking to make a difference and impact in their various fields of

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