Learning Inclusion: The Effects Of Effective Education In The Classroom

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Henry Ford once said, “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress. Working together is success” (Brainy Quote). From here, the concept of inclusive education, including students with and without learning disabilities as peers in the same classroom, originated. The aim of this type of education is to get students with learning disabilities involved in the society. Teachers and fellow students will also provide help for students with disabilities; in this way, students with learning disabilities will be motivated to study as they feel that they are a part of a group instead of being isolated in special places. Thus, they will achieve higher grades. Moreover, they will be greatly engaged in the society as they are building bridges …show more content…

According to the study made in the article “The Effects of Inclusion on Learning”, students with learning disabilities enrolled in inclusive schools have a better social behavior than the ones in special schools. The researchers used a research technique called the “meta-analysis” which is combining the results of several statistics to reach to an accurate estimate known as the “effect size”; after that, the effect size is used to reach a certain conclusion. The above researchers conducted three meta-analyses to increase their accuracy. They analyzed the students' social behavior by observing interactions with teachers, peers, and the surrounding environment. The social effect sizes ranged from 0.11 to 0.28 (positive numbers) which indicate that students with learning disabilities perform better socially in an inclusive environment. In fact, exclusive environments weaken the students’ social abilities by decreasing their interactions (Baker, Wang, and Walberg 33-35). Students come from different backgrounds and have different circumstances; nevertheless, each of them must accept each other and be understanding. The world is suffering from racism, especially among children. Inclusive education also works on solving this issue by encouraging students to love one another and be cooperative instead of isolating students with need; as a …show more content…

As reported in the research paper “Inclusion in Education: Towards Equality for Students with Disability”, all students in inclusive classrooms benefit in terms of communication skills. Since students with learning disabilities actively communicate with their peers, they are improving their independent speech skills. Students are also learning to listen and understand one another; thus, they are excelling in the AAC, which stands for (Augmentative and Alternative Communication). In addition, a six-month observation in an inclusive school was done to prove that students, whether with learning disabilities or not, are gaining new vocabulary throughout the long and frequent conversations. Hence, students with learning disabilities gain independence and become more involved and active in the daily interactions (Cologon 25-26). Undoubtedly, it is better than isolating students with learning disabilities which will weaken their communication skills by making them feel dependent and in need for someone to aid them whenever they want to talk or express themselves. All of the above reasons greatly support the inclusion of students with learning disabilities in the normal classroom as their inclusion plays a huge role in nourishing their lives. Diane Richler, the past president of Inclusion International, believes that “Inclusion is about

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