Konkan Essays

  • Career Goal

    894 Words  | 4 Pages

    To become a researcher in the field of Computer Science is my long term career goal. I strongly believe, pursuing a graduate program will be the crucial step towards fulfilling my career aspiration. Growing up, I had the privilege of learning computer fundamentals in my grade school and my father was kind enough to let me use his work computer for both my homework and play time. Over the course of years, I have journeyed past the “Hello World!” and programming macros in Excel and few advanced programming

  • Elements Of Archetypes In Harry Potter

    988 Words  | 4 Pages

    From ancient mythology to the modern science-fiction, stories have full of fantastic characters and settings. There is a heavy load of symbolism under the cover of fantasy being conveyed through structures called archetypes. The idea of archetype as a symbolic structure which is repeated countless over time and space was identified and studied by the psychoanalyst Carl Gustav Jung and these archetypes can be recognized in many forms of art or even in dreams. A literary phenomenon of the 21 century

  • Treta Yuuga Avatar

    1567 Words  | 7 Pages

    Description Dashavatara refers to the ten avatars of Vishnu, the Hindu god of preservation. The word Dashavatara derives from daśa, meaning 'ten' and avatar (avatāra), meaning 'descent'. Thus, Vishnu is said to descend in form of an avatar to restore cosmic order. These Avatars play a major role in shaping human evolution through centuries. God Vishnu incarnates on Earth from time to time to eradicate evil forces, to restore the dharma and to liberate the worthy ones or devotees from the cycle of

  • Truss Bridge Research Paper

    6066 Words  | 25 Pages

    ABSTRACT Being in our early stage of civil engineering, the topic CONSTRUCTION OF BRIDGES is of great use and importance in our life. It is therefore necessary to understand meaning of bridges ,their basics of construction and their importance.Some important points to be looked upon are – 1. Monitoring of bridges 2. Failures 3. Machines used in construction 4. Common equipments 5. Some history about Bridges 6. Some famous bridges So attempt was made to understand these concepts through this project