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John Steinbeck (1902 – 1968)

Nationality: AmericanPeriods: American: 20th Century

California novels, dust bowl fiction, Depression Era writing, author of The Grapes of Wrath

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Criticism about John Steinbeck

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Biographical sites about John Steinbeck

John Steinbeck
This biography from the Steinbeck Center Foundation on John Steinbeck includes photographs of the man and part of the text from his Nobel Prize acceptance speech. The site also links to a timeline of his life, lists of his awards, and other web sites about him.
Contains: Webliography, Works List, Pictures, Sketch, Timeline, Awards
Keywords: John Steinbeck, life, history, biography
John Steinbeck: A Brief Chronology
This site contains information both on John Steinbeck’s publishing career and his personal life. The chronology carries on until the present citing works published about him.
Contains: Timeline
Author: Robert Harmon
Keywords: John Steinbeck, life, history, biography, timeline

Other sites about John Steinbeck

John Steinbeck: The California Novels
This site contains plot summaries for many of John Steinbeck’s novels as well as links to other Steinbeck sites, and resources for the Salinas Valley area.
Contains: Criticism, Commentary, Webliography
Keywords: John Steinbeck, maps, links, plot summaries

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articles on John Steinbeck (may not be full text):
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John Steinbeck‘s works online
(recent authors’ works generally not available for free):

Univ. of Va.’s eBook Library

Project Gutenberg
Google Books

John Steinbeck on the About network:

Factual information on John Steinbeck:

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013