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Sites about Adam Bede

by George Eliot

Critical sites about Adam Bede

Community, Stereotype, and Insanity: Eliot’s Adam Bede and Dickens’ Great Expectations
“To examine the position of women in the community of Victorian England… we useits literature. In George Eliot’s Adam Bede and Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations, forexample, the female characters are surprisingly similar in their personality traits, in the actions they take, and in the consequences they face. These female characters (Lisbeth and Mrs. Joe, Hetty and Estella, Dinah and Biddy, Mrs. Poyser and Miss Havisham) represent stereotypes of the women of Victorian England, as well as the variations on how harshly their society judged them, depending on the severity and the manifestation of their deviation from the norm.”
Contains: Character Analysis
Author: Julianne White
From: Women in Literature and Life Assembly Vol. 2 Fall 1993

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013