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Sites about Collected Poems and Sonnets of William Shakespeare

by William Shakespeare

Critical sites about Collected Poems and Sonnets of William Shakespeare

[Chapter One]
A critical discussion of one of Shakespeare’s early sonnets.
Author: Helen Vendler
From: The Art of Shakespeare’s Sonnets Chapter 1; Harvard University Press: 1997
Cheerful Girls and Willing Boys: Old and Young Bodies in Shakespeare’s Sonnets
“Many twentieth-century critics have been willing to admit that Shakespeare’sdepiction of the self in the Sonnets is historically specific, but most of theirinterpretations assume that this self is either unique or at least highly distinctive. Iam challenging this assumption. Drawing on works such as Thomas Wright’sPassions of the Minde in General , Ficino’s De Triplici Vita, and other medical textsof the period, I explore the Sonnets as part of a larger body of work on the statusand value of the passions. I focus in particular on the way Shakespeare connectsthe subject positions of the three main characters (young man, dark lady, andpoet) with their humoral bodies. Many have struggled to assign these roles to realhistorical characters, but I argue that the three way drama of young man, youngwoman, and older poet would have been considered an appropriate subject forany Renaissance author interested in the passions. Ultimately, I want to suggestthat what is often perceived as the poems’ mental pathology is really an expressionof the relationship between early modern physical regimes of health and the agingbody.”
Contains: Historical Context,
Author: Ian MacInnes
From: Early Modern Literary Studies 6.2 (September, 2000): 1.1-26
Shakespeare: Poems
“The great teacher and scholar George Saintsbury created the touchstone for Shakespeare reference with these chapters from the Cambridge History of English Literature. “
Contains: Bibliography, Historical Context, Content Analysis
Author: George Saintsbury
From: The Cambridge History of English and American Literature Vol.5, The Drama to 1642, Part One
Shakespeare’s queer ‘Sonnets’ and the forgeries of William Henry Ireland
“William Henry Ireland created a series of Shakespearean forgeries that were believed by the public in 1795.”
Contains: Historical Context
Author: Michael Keevak
From: Criticism Spring 1998

Other (non-critical) sites about Collected Poems and Sonnets of William Shakespeare

Shakespeare’s Sonnets
This site offers the full text of all of Shakespeare’s sonnets, along with commentaries on each one. Take note, though, that the authorship of the commentaries is anonymous, as the site explains “As this site is intended mainly as a literary resource for students and others, it is not felt that attaching a name to the commentaries would either increase or diminish its usefulness. The Internet is not bound by the same rules as a University. If the quality of the material offered is sufficiently good, it should in time provide for the site its own authentification.” The authors do also provide a list of scholarly, literary sources consulted in compiling the commentaries.
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: Oxquarry Books Ltd
Author: Oxquarry Books Ltd

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013