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Sites about Gulliver’s Travels

by Jonathan Swift

The story of a man (Gulliver) who travels to many strange lands, including lands of tiny men, giants, intelligent horses and savage apes who turn out to be human. Gulliver learns to despise humanity as he sees it at its worst in the cultures he visits.

Characters: Lemuel Gulliver, Liliputians, Brobdingnagians, Houyhnhnms, Yahoos

Critical sites about Gulliver’s Travels

Gulliver’s Historico-Tropological Journey, or Measurement, Irony and the Grotesque in Gulliver’s Travels
This essay examines the appropriateness of the Postmodern response to Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels Thesis: “In this age of dissolution,what do we see when we look back at the age of our creation? …Thesatirical effect of the irony in Gulliver’s Travels read by the Postmodern will be precisely what it was not at the time of its production.”
Contains: Historical Context, Content Analysis
Author: Matthew Levy
From: Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies Conference in Dallas, TX Oct. 7 1995.
Keywords: Postmodernism
LBST 302: Lecture on Swift
“Gulliver’s Travels [is] one of the greatest works of protest against modernity ever written, is no exercise in nostalgia but a call to shape the rapidly growing power of European culture in accordance with some old insights. His great fear is that, in the eagerness to follow the direction indicated by Hobbes and Descartes, among others, which begins with an energetic and optimistic debunking and rejection of tradition andthe enthronement of new rationality, we may be throwing out the baby with the bathwater.”
Contains: Historical Context, Content Analysis
Author: Ian Johnston
From: Presented at Malaspina University-College, 1996 April 3, 1996
Keywords: virtue, Bible, classical, medieval

Other (non-critical) sites about Gulliver’s Travels

Gulliver’s Travels
This site includes the complete text of Gulliver’s Travels, as well as a history of the book’s various editions. It also provides links to study guides, critical essays, and other materials for study of this work.
Contains: Plot Summary, Content Analysis, Bibliography
Author: Lee Jaffe
Author: Lee Jaffe

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013