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Sites about Hath Not a Jew…

by A. M. Klein

Critical sites about Hath Not a Jew…

Klein’s Hath Not a Jew: in Search of Vision
“Hath Not a Jew, A.M. Klein’s first volume of poetry, invites a reassessment of the poet’s treatment of his Jewish roots. Despite the generally accepted view of Klein as a poet whose interests focus predominantly on the Jewish theme, Hath Not a Jew, published in 1940, displays a complex vision of the world at large at a critical historical juncture. The volume contains poems written in the late 1920s and the 1930s. Thematically, the selection marks progression from hopeful trust in a better future towards an increasingly pessimistic view of man and his works.”
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: Rachel Feldhay Brenner
From: Canadian Poetry vol. 26
“Out of the Pulver and the Polished Lens”: A. M. Klein as Wordsworth
“That Klein was a deliberate and skilled craftsman with words is clear to any reader. What is less obvious, but no less true, is that he was a master of larger poetic structures, intricate structures which themselves developed and indeed actually illustrated the thematic content of the individual poems.”
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: Linda Hutcheon and Alain Goldschlager
From: Canadian Poetry vol. 4
A Source for A. M. Klein’s “Out of the Pulver and the Polished Lens”
“In the course of preparing critical notes for an edition of the complete poetry of A. M. Klein (to be co-edited with Seymour Mayne), I came across a volume from Klein’s personal library which was obviously the major source for ‘Out of the Pulver and the Polished Lens’: The Philosophy of Spinoza Selected from His Chief Works, edited by Joseph Ratner (New York: The Modern Library, 1927). The two introductory essays by Ratner, ‘The Life of Spinoza’ and ‘Introduction to the Philosophy of Spinoza,’ contain many markings and a few annotations in Klein’s handwriting, and it is no exaggeration to say that every detail concerning Spinoza’s life and philosophy in Klein’s poem derives from these two essays, in most cases from the marked passages.”
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: Zailig Pollock
From: Canadian Poetry vol. 12

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013