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Sites about Middlemarch: a Study of Provincial Life

by George Eliot

Eliot’s novel about the fictitious society of Middlemarch with its main focus on a young woman’s marraige to an aging scholar, and her subsequent relationship with his cousin.

Characters: Dorothea Brooke, Rev. Mr. Casaubon, Will Ladislaw, Dr. Lydgate, Rosamund Vincy
Keywords: Victorian England,

Critical sites about Middlemarch: a Study of Provincial Life

Microscopy and Semiotic in Middlemarch
“This paper reveals a forgotten formative influence on George Eliot. Most accounts of Eliot’s debts to science examine the circle of eminent scientists she and Lewes knew in the 1860s and 1870s and his own late work, Problems of Life and Mind. Here I explore much earlier and less celebrated writing: the microscopical investigations of primitive water creatures that Lewes conducted as an amateur popularizer of science in the mid to late 1850s and the vigorous culture of microscopy to which he introduced George Eliot as early as 1856.”
Contains: Historical Context, Content Analysis
Author: Mark Wormald
From: Nineteenth Century Literature vol. 50, no.4, March 1996
Keywords: Nineteenth century science
The author of this review praises Eliot’s sympathy and realism, and hails her as a great critic of her age. “An author whose novels it has really been a liberal education to read, one is more tempted to admire silently than to criticise at all.”
Contains: Review, Content Analysis
Author: Arthur George Sedgwick
From: The Atlantic Monthly April, 1873
Keywords: contemporary review

Other (non-critical) sites about Middlemarch: a Study of Provincial Life

Reading Group Guide: Middlemarch
Discussion questions for the work.
Contains: Content Analysis

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013