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Sites about Possession: A Romance

by A.S. Byatt

Two academics discover evidence that the objects of their own scholarly research may have been engaged in a passionate love affair.

Characters: Roland Michell, Randolph Henry Ash, Maud Bailey, Christabel LaMotte

Critical sites about Possession: A Romance

A.S. Byatt’s Possession
This site inclues annotations for Possession: A Romance, essays about the novel, and a bibliography of suggested criticism. It also includes a short biography of A.S. Byatt and a bibliography of her works.
Contains: Content Analysis, Bibliography
Author: D. Mesher
A.S. Byatt’s Possession: A Critique of the Victorian Omission of Sexuality
This student essay hypothesizes that “one of Byatt’s projects [in Possession: A Romance] is to valorize the sexual act itself. To accomplish this, she must look outside of Victorian culture to find a way of representing the sexual act.”
Contains: Content Analysis, Historical Context
Author: Timothy Farrell
From: Postimperial and Postcolonial Literature in English
The Double Voice of Metaphor: A. S. Byatt’s “Morpho Eugenia”
“Even though Possession in its parodies of scholars influenced by French feminism and Lacanian psychoanalysis contains a fair amount of critique of poststructuralist and postmodern attitudes, it signals its own postmodernity through devices like fluctuating narrative perspectives, paradox, ambiguity, and self-reflexivity.”
Contains: Content Analysis
Author: Heidi Hansson
From: Twentieth Century Literature Winter 1999
The Enclosed Space in the Neo-Victorian Works of Swift, Byatt, and Carey
This student essay explores the gender-defined nature of “the enclosed space–a space in which one is constrained, either voluntarily or involuntarily,” in Possession: A Romance, Waterland, and Oscar and Lucinda. The separate pages of the essay are linked together at the end of each section.
Contains: Content Analysis, Character Analysis, Historical Context
Author: Marta Cobb
From: Postimperial and Postcolonial Literature in English
Melusina: Origins of Christabel LaMotte’s “The Fairy Melusine”
This essay, by a graduate student at San Jose State University, provides substantial background on the Melusine myth discussed in Possession: A Romance.
Contains: Historical Context, Bibliography
Author: Homeira Foth
Sex, Secrets, and Foucault: Rewriting Victorian Sexuality in Waterland, Oscar and Lucinda, and Possession
This student essay explores the “non-normative sexuality” utilized in these three novels in relation to their Victorian settings and the philosophies of Michel Foucault.
Contains: Content Analysis, Historical Context
Author: Jane Fronek
From: Postimperial and Postcolonial Literature in English

Other (non-critical) sites about Possession: A Romance

Reading Group Guide: Possession
Discussion questions for the work.
Contains: Content Analysis

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013