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Sites about The Ruines of Time

by Edmund Spenser

This is Spenser’s lament for the death of Sir Philip Sidney.

Keywords: lament, death, loss

Critical sites about The Ruines of Time

A ‘goodlie bridge’ between the Old and the New: the transformation of complaint in Spenser’s The Ruines of Time
“Spenser extends lament for Sidney into an exploration of the literary immortality offered by humanist poetry and the conflict which arises between this and apocalyptic world-contempt. The Ruines of Time is Spenser’s attempt to reconcile these oppositions through the mythologised figure of the redeemed Sidney.” This lengthy essay has extensive footnotes and bibliography.”
Contains: Content Analysis, Historical Context
Author: Richard Danson Brown
From: Renaissance Forum: An Electronic Journal of Early-Modern Literary and Historical Studies v 2 no 1, Spring 1997
Translated Geographies: Edmund Spenser’s “The Ruines of Time.”
“This paper deals with two ironic movements in relation to Edmund Spenser’s ‘The Ruines of Time’: the trope of the ruin and the troping mechanism of translation. In turn, both these movements will be looked at in relation to the Elizabethan development of a national geography. So, whilst this paper has a particularly narrow focus — one relatively obscure poem by Edmund Spenser — I believe it to have broader significances in a wider project that might seek to interrogate the notion of translation within the national cultures of the early modern period. One way of performing that interrogation of translation within a nationalist context is to rethink translation in spatial terms. The movement of a translation across borders reveals the ironies of the nationalist project, rooted in heredity — the ancient history of the nation. Translation’s “disjunctive temporality,” crossing and marking the borders of time and space, renders ironic a national history based on self recognition and continuity. The spatial implications of the word “translation” of course have a history that extends beyond postmodern critique, and the paper will also look at the functioning of the early modern translatio imperii in Spenser’s poem.”
Contains: Historical Context
Author: Huw Griffiths
From: Early Modern Literary Studies 4.2 / Special Issue 3 (September, 1998): 7.1-26

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Last Updated Apr 29, 2013