Beth Cuthand on Native American Authors

Native American Authors

Beth Cuthand


Beth Cuthand in her writings probes and explores, examines, reveals, and revives traditions many thought had been destroyed. She writes poems with a strong view of life and vivid imagery.


Online resources by or about Beth Cuthand:

Cultural appropriation and Aboriginal literature
Author: Kenneth Williams
Type: authorbio
Description: Text of Windspeaker article which quotes extensively from Keeshig-Tobias and Cuthand.


English Readiness Poetry Section: Beth Cuthand and Louise Halfe
Author: Beth Cuthand and Louise Halfe
Type: etext
Description: Site contains the text of 2 poems by Cuthand, His Bundle and Seven Songs for Uncle Louis, as well as 3 poems by Louise Halfe.


Saskatchewan Chiefs Court Action by Beth Cuthand
Author: Beth Cuthand
Type: etext
Description: Text of an article written by Cuthand, and published in the Jan. 1982 edition of Saskatchewan Indian.


Towards a Political Solution by Beth Cuthand
Author: Beth Cuthand
Type: etext
Description: Text of an article written by Cuthand, and published in the April 1982 edition of Saskatchewan Indian.


Books by Beth Cuthand:

Cuthand, Beth. Horse dance to Emerald Mountain
Vancouver : Lazara Press, 1987.
Genre: Poetry
ISBN: 0920999042

Cuthand, Beth. The little duck
Vancouver : Theytus Books, 1999.
Genre: Fiction
Language: English and Cree
Audience: Youth
ISBN: 0919441742

Cuthand, Beth. Voices in the Waterfall
Vancouver : Lazara Press, 1989.
Genre: Poetry
ISBN: 0920999166

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