Amanda Dill on Native American Authors

Native American Authors

Amanda Dill


Amanda James Dill grew up in Southern Oklahoma. Sometimes she lived in the country, sometimes in the city–a few times she moved out of state, but they always returned rather quickly to their native homeland among the Indian Paintbrush and wild prairie grasses. She’s lucky in that she comes from a blended family–so there were always plenty of siblings, cousins, and grandparents around growing up. Her favorite pastimes (or time-wasters) include reading, horseback riding, gardening, looking at and working on (and if she’s lucky, driving) classic cars.

In school, Amanda was sort of a nerd. She always had her nose in a book and her head in the clouds. She did come down a few times, though, for things like the Academic Bowl, Choir, or the Drill team. Once she was old enough to work (legally, anyway) she worked for a local florist and later for a larger, international flowers and gifts company–but at a call center instead of in a shop. She quit after a couple of years because there’s just no amount of money that can make up the difference when a nature lover is made to sell flowers without ever seeing, smelling, or touching them.

Lately, she’s been working on her Bachelor’s Degree in English, writing poetry, prose, and witty retorts on bathroom walls. When she’s not reading, writing, or working on school-related ‘things,’ she’s usually playing MarioKart Wii or terrorizing her friends on Facebook.


Online resources by or about Amanda Dill:

Amanda James Dill
Author: Amanda James Dill
Type: authorbio
Description: Website explains her works, life and hobbies


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