ipl Story Hour: It’s Magic

Before Josh could answer, two adults came outside talking. They were Mari and Josh all grown up, and their kid selves were hiding right on the porch! The young Mari and Josh stepped out of their hiding place. The adults yelled, "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

Young Josh said, "I thought you’d have the best guards in the world. What’s going on here anyway? We’re YOU when you were young, but we must have traveled to the future."

"I thought I knew you from somewhere," said the adult Mari. "Come inside and let’s figure this out."

inside the blue house

Young Josh and Mari stayed in Maine with the adult Josh and Mari for about a week. During that time they discovered that the U. S. A. had grown so big that it needed two Presidents now! Mari was the Washington, D. C. President and lived there most of the time. Josh was the President from Maine and lived in "The Other White House," but it was painted blue because it looked so nice right next to the ocean. They worked by themselves three weeks out of the month and then spent one week a month at each other’s "White House" to work on their jobs together.

At the end of the visit, the kids decided they’d better get back to school. So, Mari opened the red atlas very carefully to the page that said "Michigan" and soon they were back in their own library.