A Rhetorical Analysis Of Assata Shakur's To My People

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In 1970-1981 the black liberation army was in full force. Assata Shakur mother of three, activist, and leader was convicted of first degree murder in 1977. Assata Shakur expresses her concerns about how her fellow people have been treated in America. Being an active member in the black libertarian army allowed Assata Shakur to have a powerful voice that moved people. After being convicted of murder in 1977 she wrote her speech “To My People”. Shakur’s uses the diction of anger, logos, and imagery to advocate unity and the equal treatment for black citizens. Assata expresses her rage and disappointment of how black people have been treated over the years through her angry diction. Shakur uses the the word “empty-bellied” to reflect on the past, and acknowledge that discrimination still exists. “Empty-bellied” After reflecting on how black people in America have been treated, she expands her purpose by describing how white people in America, especially white people with power in America, have treated black people as less than. …show more content…

In order to represent her point of view she stresses “ The main function of the Black Liberation Army at this time is to create good examples, to struggle for Black freedom, and to prepare for the future. We must defend ourselves and let no one disrespect us. We must gain our liberation by any means necessary.It is our duty to fight for our freedom.” Assata truthfully speaks her mind by inspiring others through her speech as she discloses the reality, that even though she is most likely going to prison, that her people can not stop fighting for unity and the equal treatment of everyone. Through her appeal to Logos she educates her people and others of what the black libertarian army is, and why it is so important to keep fighting for equality because if they don't, her people will continue to have the mistreatment that they have always struggled

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