Analysis Of Purple Hibiscus

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The inevitable communication between English and the several languages speak in Nigerian people in Nigeria. Their language differs according to their speech patterns, and habits. The varieties of language use both educated and un-educated Nigerians for the sake of lives. According to Herbert Igboanusi: ,, There is the national variety of English also known as Nigerian English (NE) and the ethnic variety of English exemplified here by Igbo English (IE) Author Adichie uses both languages that is, she handles most of her views in English and she touches Igbo language. She uses both languages like Chinua Achebe, for her benefit. As a Nigerian born novelist, she gives both hands who are in their mind to raise Nigerian identity with its ritual for the world. She does not neglect Catholic and she neglects the way of approach to preach by opposing traditional religion and its values. She never likes to destroy her own traditional religion in front of her eyes. She does not like the dominant culture under the other’s culture and religion. In her Purple Hibiscus, she does not like Papa- Eugene’s schedule life and Father Benedict’s restrictions upon African culture and Kambili’s school Sisters neglects Nigerian language like the readers of her novel. She creates awareneness of her nation identity and her patriotism and her culture and her views everything through her characters Papa-Nnukwu. Kambili much aware of her father’s position is a religious leader in her family. He praises

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