Attention Span In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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Imagine living in a world where books are illegal, where instead of having to read for class you get taught why books are bad and to stay away from them. In the book Fahrenheit 451, that is exactly what its like. Although it was written around 70 years ago it actually relates to today's world a lot. In this Dystopian fiction book written by Ray Bradbury books become illegal when people’s attention spans got so short that shows were 15 minutes long at most and all reading that was done was a headline, not an article. Towards the end of Farenheight 451, they fake finding Montag because the search was taking too long and people simply wouldn't be interested if it took any longer. To beguin, the average attention span as of december of 2022 is 8.25 seconds. A humans attention span can last anywhere from two seconds to twenty minutes. In the book society has an extremely overstimulated attention span. Tv shows are 10 minutes long each and 3 or 4 shows at a time. Today most shows are 30 minutes long where they used to be an hour long an episode. Teens will binge watch a whole series in a day. In a 3 season show with 10 episodes in each 30 minutes each episode it would take 15 hours Which is the average time teenagers are awake in a day. Although they are not the …show more content…

People within the ages of 13 and 18 spend 9-12 hours on there phones. That screen time doesnt count the time on chromebooks and computers during the eight hours of the school day. In the book life happens almost completely on technology. Mildred even calls her tv shows her family. If we continue to use technology more and more than we could end up being just as bad as the book. Most households in america own less than 50 books and most children and teens spend less than 15 minutes reading in a day. It is extremely important that we dont lose sight of the importance of knowledge and

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