Black Racial Stereotypes

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This article talks about Black Criminal Stereotypes and Racial Profiling. It begins explaining how racial profiling was always apart of American culture but after the civil war, blacks started to become more involved in racial profiling when it came to crime. The word “criminal predator” started to become a way to describe young black males. It is stated that this bad reputation that they have dates back to the enslavement of Africans in the United States. Blacks are seen as physically threatening because of their “biological flow”. Racial profiling bas been linked as to why blacks have this reputation. Racial profiling creates inaccurate discriminatory information. Which is why whites often view blacks as more violent and uncontrolled. Crime …show more content…

When watching the T.V and the commercials, you will find that blacks mostly play criminals, drug users, and villains. Even in Bush’s get tough campaign they used a black criminal to get their point across. They used it to show Americans that were fearful, who was responsible of crime. Most of the political media portrayals of blacks showed that criminals were young black men. A study that was conducted showed that you are more likely to see blacks play criminals and drug dealers on TV rather than whites. It was found that 2/3 of the viewers remember the criminal suspects being black. Black athletes are randomly accused of committing some type of crime, which also strengthens the link between blacks and crime. Racial Hoax, is when race is involved in false allegations in certain criminal activity. Each year blacks are accused of crimes they did not commit because they are racially profiled. For example, on a campus, a girl accused two black guys of rapping her. She later admitted that they didn’t rape her and that she did it to bring awareness to rape. Racial Hoax strengthen the criminal link with blacks by exploiting preexisting ideas that link young black men to crime. The more they are used, the more racial profiling is engrained in society. In conclusion, association between race and criminality had always been associated with blacks. With those associations, blacks are seen to be violent, aggressive, and criminals because of things like racial profiling. In reality, whites make up the most criminals. With things like racial profiling, media portrayals, and racial hoax, blacks are 7x more likely to be sentenced to incarceration. Only when its recognized that discriminatory practices are being used against blacks, will association between race and criminality will

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