Boo Radley Integrity In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Boo Radley is the town haunt of Maycomb, rumoured to eat cats and squirrels and peer through windows at night. Most people regard the Radley house with suspicion and fear, because he never leaves it. Though shrouded in mystery, Arthur “Boo” Radley is a perfect model of integrity in Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird because he retained his humanity in spite of abuse and was willing to leave the comfort of the shadows to do what he knew was right. Arthur Radley was born into a strict and reclusive family where the common belief was any kind of pleasure was sinful. After getting involved in some minor town trouble, Arthur’s father kept him locked up in the house until he was afraid to leave. He never was seen by the townspeople, rumours began to spread and he eventually came to be called “Boo”. All that was known about his life was based off the gossip and fantasies of various townspeople. Very few people understood him or recognized how sad his life had been. Because he was so mysterious, he became a topic of insatiable curiosity for his …show more content…

He snuck Jem and Scout Finch little presents in a tree, including gum, pennies, a medal, and two soap figures that looked just like them. When Scout came tumbling into his yard in a tire, he laughed. He found joy in giving them gifts and watched them, amused, even when his harsh older brother seals up the knot hole where he would hide the gifts. Though most people did not see it because they judged him based on false assumptions, Boo was a very kind person. Miss Maudie described her experiences with him: “I remember Arthur Radley when he was a boy. He always spoke nicely to me, no matter what folks said he did.” (Lee 36) People feared him because he was different, so they assumed all his intentions were evil, though he proved to be a better person than most of

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