Book Report On The Immortal Life Of Henrietta Lacks

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Limitations At its Finest The ability of having capacity plays an important role, especially in the medical industry, to determine if you are able to make decisions in every aspect of your life knowing that there will be consequences. A few years ago there was an African American woman whose cells were being taken and used for medical research without her consent. Rebecca Skloot who wrote, “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” in 2010, talked about this issue in the novel. The issues being told in this novel still today are being debated. These debates consist of patient’s rights and what they are entitled to that specifically relates to them. It explains her life from the viewpoint of other people but mainly her daughter who deals with these …show more content…

But the pain didn’t go away until she went again and again and, “Henrietta told her doctors several times that she thought the cancer was spreading, that she could feel it moving through her, but they found nothing wrong with her.” (“The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks”, Chapter 8, Page 62 by Rebecca Skloot). She had a feeling that something was wrong with her because she felt a lot of pain in her vaginal area and it was not normal. The doctors knew that something was wrong but refused to tell her. “This was a time when ‘benevolent deception’ was a common practice- doctors often withheld even the most fundamental information from their patients, sometimes not giving them any diagnosis at all. They believed it was best not to confuse or upset patients with frightening terms they might not understand, like cancer. Doctors knew best, and most patients didn’t question that… it was understood that black people didn’t question white people’s and their professional judgment.”(Chapter 8, Page 62 by Rebecca Skloot). This is a very important section in the book because it says a lot of black people not being informed of what is happening to them. Henrietta’s doctor lied to her saying she was fine, because they did not want to “scare” her. But in reality that was not the case, they did not tell her because they might have already known about her cells and have already been doing test from the beginning. This all seemed like a cover up to make it seem as if they looked for Henrietta best interest and that they cared, when they really did not because she was

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