Bowling Green Vs Cincinnati Essay

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Bowling Green vs Cincinnati After high school, I will be making a big decision to make for myself. The decision on which college should I attend. When I’m in college, I want to study to become an Athletic Trainer. The reason why is that it looks like a friendly campus to be on then Cincinnati. The top two schools for me is either the University of Cincinnati, or Bowling Green State University. Although both of these schools have the major I want, I am favoriting Bowling Green State University is the best college for me than the University of Cincinnati. Picking Bowling Green over Cincinnati is a better choice for me because Bowling green is an hour north, and Cincinnati is a three hours away from my house.In addition for picking Bowling Green, it is also closer to home. So I don’t have to drive so far from home, but when I pick Cincinnati, I will be far away from home. Most of the time, I get home sickness very easily. Also,” the tuition for Bowling Green is under $20,000” (“Freshman Apply”) if I’m from the state, and “Cincinnati tuition is over $26,000” (“Information for High School …show more content…

The reason why I want to be an Athletic Trainer because I want to be involved in sports. I can plan on playing a sport in college, but I’m too short and a little fat. So studying to be an Athletic Trainer is the next best thing for me to do. Although both Cincinnati and Bowling Green offer the major, I would still like to go to BGSU due to what I said earlier in the paper.Also, I have seen some of my friend’s parents be an athletic training, and they said it was fun. While I’m at Bowling Green, “I can study for the athletic training profession”(“Athletic Training”). However I need to do the following while I’m at BGSU, “I need to considered pre- professional for the first two semester on campus” (“Athletic Training”). It sounds like a challenge, but I’m willing to take it to become someone I wanted to

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