Children Being Attached To Two Hours One Day For Age 3-18

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Today people think being attached to a screen and talking to people via texting is social, when really they are lacking so many traits that make them human. Most people in this world, young or old are addicted or obsessed with technology and the thought of being away from technology makes them crazy. Children are overusing technology with no purpose. For school and for projects, it’s alright, but, when it is for personal preferences, over use is very common. Technology “ should be limited to two hours a day for children ages 3-18. And, for ages 2-years-old or younger none at all”(Summers). Young children have no purpose to be online for more than two hours a day. Technology does entertain children when other things can’t, but children at a …show more content…

Sadly, “ ⅔ of toddlers watch 2 hours of screen time. 8 to 18 is around 4 or more hours of screen time a day” (Dowshen). Teenagers now think watching four hours of “Netflix” or spending their whole day in bed snapchatting, or watching “Youtube” is cool because that’s what everyone is doing. Teens think showing others what they did that day and who they did it with, would make them cool. “ how long you figure before we save up and get the fourth wall torn out and a fourth wall-TV put in”(Bradbury 18). Even in the book, all people care about is technology. Everybody is so addicted, they can’t let it go. People will go through anything to get the technology we want. Even if that means wasting our money or destroying our house because, it's what they want. Social media is beginning to convince people that it is the new way of being social, instead of talking face to face. Teens and some young adults think that texting or sending photos is considered “ being social” when really it’s the opposite. Being social used to be talking to people at a store or going to their house, hanging out or playing games, and most importantly not being around …show more content…

Many may not realize but, technology is slowly becoming more addictive until they can’t be away from it. “Signs technology is taking over your life, 1. miss parties, 2. stay up late watching TV, 3. eats meals in front of TV/computer, 4. sleeps with the TV on” (Brennan). If being surrounded by technology is now okay, we are all going to soon turn into machines and just rely on technology for everything we do. Everybody needs to be social, needs to have that commutative trait that makes us talk to others, make friends, and have a voice. Not only is our social trait being taken away us by from technology but, “ aspects of thinking, namely, perception, memory, language, learning, creativity, reasoning, problem solving, and decision making” (Taylor). When people talk on the internet, we tend not to care or check about what we put out there. Being on the internet and just saying whatever anybody wants to say needs not actual thinking. Nobody knows who anybody truly is when you talk to them on the internet. Some say they made a real friend, but really, they no nothing about them. Technology just fills your brain with nothing but stupid things and this makes there less room for what’s

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