Compare And Contrast Bottled Water Vs Tap Water

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Tap Water at its Finest
Many people think it’s bottled water versus tap water, but in reality it is just the peoples taste and convenience of the water source. Both bottled water and tap water have their positives and negatives making it the people’s choice of deciding the one they think is better. Studies show, every year the bottled water consumption increases by 10%, not knowing tap water is cheaper and just as convenient as the bottled water. An abundance of people think bottled water is better for you and is easier to access and is more convenient, on the contrary it’s really not. Some of the bottled water sources are the same sources as tap water, such as, rivers, streams, lakes, and even reservoirs. Also a variety of people might not know the bottles they are carrying around in their hands will end up being a danger to quite a few land and sea creatures. So as people may see tap water is just as great as bottled water, if not better, due to many circumstances. Bottled water has many positive aspects …show more content…

Tap water does little to no damage to the ecosystem compared to the bottled waters people buy. The bottles people buy are not biodegradable, rather they are photodegradable. According to Norm Schriever when the water bottles photodegrade they break down into smaller fragments which, “absorb toxins that pollute waterways, contaminate our soil, and sicken animals (which we then eat).” These bottles people buy are killing our environment every day whether we want to believe it or not. This does not include all the plastics floating in the ocean like huge islands bigger than the size of Texas. More than 80% of the bottles people buy end up in landfills and in oceans causing major damage to the ecosystem and harming many of the creatures around those areas. If we just either recycle those bottles or not buy them in general, we can improve our environment more each

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