Earbud In Fahrenheit 451 By Ray Bradbury

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In a society where books are illegal and people will come in your house and burn them, is the book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. The book Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a book about books being illegal. In the book, a guy named Montag is a firefighter (book burner) that turns out to find out he is not happy with his life. He ends up stealing a bunch of books and hiding them and reading them. After that, he gets in trouble and eventually finds people that re doing the same thing as him and they set out to change the world. Ray Bradbury predicted this book to be today's society and he did he did a great job of doing that with the technology, the truths that we have found out over the years, how our relationships and socialization would be, and the ignorance versus the intelligence of people in …show more content…

An example of this would be the ear piece talked about on page 87. The usage of these ear pieces in the book is all the time. It shows how they can't even have a conversation face-to-face because of them. Something in our society today that relates with this is earbuds. Earbuds, in our society, have taken people over because you can't even have a regular conversation without someone pulling out their earbud and saying "can you say that again". Ray Bradbury would be disappointed in our society over these earbuds because they have taken away the conversations between people. He would be shocked and very disappointed. Another example of technology in the book is the "sea skull radio,"(87).This shows in the story that the people talk to this radio thing instead of real people. Siri for the iPhone is a big, real life of this. Siri will answer any question you ask it, it can even read you a story. Ray Bradbury would be disappointed with this also. We have taken real conversation and would rather talk to a robot.The technology between these two circumstances (real life and a book) is so similar it's

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