Electoral College Elections Research Paper

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Your vote doesn’t count. I realized the truth of this statement after a recent experience. Knowing the Hyde Park Municipal election draws closer, I work to complete my registration. My first time voting, I research the candidates and prepare my voter’s card. I become excited, when in reality, this preparation is in vain. I see a headline that reads, “Hyde Park City 2015 Municipal Election Canceled.” In all fairness, this election stopped because there are only two open seats. And, surprise, there are only two candidates running. In fact, elections have been cancelled all over Cache Valley because there’s no competition. Our votes don’t count for anything. In a fair democracy, each vote carries equal weight. However, the Electoral College does …show more content…

Everything else in the electoral process has been reformed apart from our election of the president. In early America, you could only vote if you were a white male. Amendments changed the constitution so black males, and later women, received voting rights. Amendment XV states, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude” Amendment XIX states, “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex” (“The Constitution”). The Electoral College perhaps maintained the balance when it came to voting 200 years ago. In a twenty-first century environment, the Electoral College is unfair. Caroline Jenkins makes this case against the Electoral College: In testimony before Congress in 1997, the League of Women Voters pointed out that apart from the public outcry that would be caused by circumvention of the popular will, there are a number of other serious flaws in the Electoral College system. The Electoral College system is fundamentally unfair to voters. In a nation where voting rights are grounded in the one-person, one-vote principle, the Electoral College is a hopeless anachronism.

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