
Ethos In Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

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Neil Singh Mrs. Jordan English I H (7) 17 January 23 Rhetorical analysis of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address Speakers use three rhetorical appeals to help convince the audience of their point, ethos, pathos, or logos. In Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address, by Abraham Lincoln, we see mostly pathos, logos, and some ethos while Lincoln talks about his beliefs and intentions regarding the controversy of slavery. Lincoln also use some rhetorical devices in his speech to enhance the argument, such as personification and imagery. The audience of his speech was the relevant American government workers. Lincoln predominantly uses pathos and ethos to show that both the North and South deserved blame for the immoral sin of slavery, and to prepare for the progression away from slavery for America. In Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address’ he introduces how his first four-year presidential term has come to end, and about the nation going through a soon-to-end civil war over slavery. Lincoln’s first two words in the speech are “Fellow countrymen” (Lincoln), which may seem insignificant to some, but it is pathos. Lincoln says these words to make the audience feel inclusive and like they are on the …show more content…

He uses pathos when he says, “to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan…” (Lincoln). He is using the audience’s sense of guilt and sympathy to make a lasting impression on the audience. In the same sentence, Lincoln uses logos when he says, “...to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves with all nations” (Lincoln). This is logos because Lincoln is saying how his efforts will bring lasting peace across the nation. As Lincoln said earlier in his address, neither side of the conflict wants the war, but both are willing to fight. So to avoid war, both sides would want peace, and this is what Lincoln was appealing

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