Examples Of Misunderstandings In To Kill A Mockingbird

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ESLR Intro: TKAM: In To Kill a Mockingbird the author uses motifs concerning misunderstandings in order to show that African Americans were mistreated. For example, when everyone placed sides against Tom Robinson just because he was black (Lee 128). Those who were placing sides against him showed that the citizens thought he did not belong because he was not “like them”. They did not take into consideration that he was just like them just made differently. Another example, was when in the trial when Tom Robinson said that he felt bad for Mayellla and Mr. Gilmer gets overly upset (124). Everyone did not like the fact that he felt bad for a white women. They all thought that blacks were in a lower position than the whites. Overall, African …show more content…

For example, he became a well-known spokesmen for back Muslims (Dictionary of American History). His hatred led to the upsetting of many white people. All of this chaos was started because America's identify people by their race. Another example, is when Malcolm claims he thinks that blacks are the best and he will do anything to fight for them (Dictionary of American History). His statement actually scared many white Americans. They did not understand that if they only gave him the same freedoms as everyone else, he would not have to make …show more content…

For instance, they both were both misread growing up, both because they were African Americans. (Lee 128) (Violence in America). They both were thought to be different from everyone else just because of their color. The whites thought them both to be worthless .Another example is how the white men in both situations got the wrong idea, and killed them in an awfully violent way (Lee ) (Violence in America). They both were shot many times to where the point where it was excessive. The whites thought that since they were black they might not be dead, they also wanted to make sure they died fast. Both Tom Robinson and Malcolm X were

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