Final Essay

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New inventions have been developing in an increasingly fast rate over the years. Different trends are continuously emerging, while some have been here for some time, and some are just getting started. According to the World Economic Forum the top ten emerging trends of 2015 will be, fuel cell vehicles, next-generation robotics, recyclable thermoset plastics, precise genetic engineering techniques, additive many factoring, emergent artificial intelligence, distributed manufacturing, 'sense and avoid' drones, neuromorphic technology, digital genome. (Meyerson, B) All of which are technology based inventions.
I believe the future of new technology will begin to evolve around robots. Robots are known to be less prices and more efficient with the …show more content…

"The importance of understanding how to use technology as an athletic coach becomes more apparent as technology continues to evolve and advance within our culture. " (Freeland, B.) Being a basketball coach is all about adapting to change. No two practices and no two games will ever be the same. Which is why as a basketball coach adaptation is a very important part to the game. Coaches have to learn to adapt to technology the same way they learn to handle a lead change in a basketball game. “Technology continues to improve and change. The theory of Moore’s Law states that, every 18 months, processing circuits will double in speed yet halve in price, which even 50 years on proves true, demonstrating just how progressive technology is."(Lewis, N)
As a whole technology helps with coaching more than it hurts coaching. As a coach you know that, every practice, an every game you have to find a way to adapt to change quickly. Adjusting to technology is no different. Learning about cameras, film break down, recruiting systems have all became a part of advance technology and have all been well worth it. They only downside about the technology being used is technology doesn't always work. Glitches happening every now and again is all a part of the game as

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