Freedom Feminism Essay

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Freedom, as defined in the Merriam-Webster 's Dictionary, is the quality or state of being free. This means by the root word itself, it is when a human experience being free. However, there are plenty of other definition of freedom and not just by being free itself. In this paper, I will be talking about freedom in relation to my chosen topic, feminism, according to different stands and in different aspects. The word freedom feminism according to Christina Hoff Sommers (2014), is that “freedom feminism stands for the moral, social, and legal equality of the sexes – and the freedom of women (and men) to employ their equal status to pursue happiness as they choose.” Furthermore, “freedom feminism stands for equality of opportunity for all but …show more content…

Men get to wear whatever they want on the streets and rarely being catcalled or such but once a woman gets to wear what she wants to wear, she receives weird stares from strangers around her. In our society, people usually divide girls into two types, the conservative one and the malandi one as of what they wear. I will use this two types of woman as an insight to the freedom of what we wear according to two philosophers, E.B Skinner and Jean-Paul Sartre. In a scenario of two women who wore shorts were walking down the street and were both catcalled by men in the past and later on, the first woman, X, starts to wear conservative clothes while, the second woman, Y, still wears the same style. Jean-Paul Sartre defines freedom as man is so free, so indeterminate, and man has no history. Y belongs to this definition since she doesn’t care what the people around her will say to her. She determines the crowd as false and wears what she wants to wear. On the other hand, E.B Skinner’s definition of freedom as mentioned in the first paragraph is related to X. She has to wear clothes that covers her body for the reason that she is scared to be catcalled again and her experience traumatized her. She chose to wear what she thinks is best for her. What she …show more content…

They are not toys that other people can take them for granted. They are also humans who seek freedom from this stereotype world. Most of the freedom I have stated above are more of E.B Skinner’s definition of freedom. I believe that yes, women have the right to stand for what is right, but still they choose not to, because they are being thought to be inferior and the past experiences have threatened and harmed them to act and choose what is right and not what they want in the present. I believe that we should not go back to the past and stay there. As what Sir James Bentayao once said in our lecture, “The past is a good place to visit but not a good place to stay.” The past of how women are treated should not be the same as of now. Also, being free does not mean that we are totally free. What I am talking about in this paper is not to let women be totally free. What I mean is to let women choose what they really want without hurting or affecting other people. Respect should always be present as we practice freedom. We can choose what we want but we cannot choose our consequences of what we chose. Freedom must be with limits the same goes to boys and girls. Boys are free to do what they want but once that it harms other people, it is not right anymore. Furthermore, freedom is inevitable and is always present in

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