Greshowak Research Paper

940 Words4 Pages

The Greshowak and Nelson family

If you want to be part of a family that has 3 boys, 2 girls, 4 cats, 3 hermit crabs, and a horse you’ve come to the right place! We disagree sometimes but ultimately we love each other very much! Let me introduce you to the Greshowak and Nelson family.

Billy is my step dad. He works as a surveillance officer, a private investigator, and as a bounty hunter. My step dad plays pool and LOVES animals. Billy likes to go fishing, work out, and has been doing karate for 41 years. He plays pool, works out, fishes, takes me to see Pirate, does karate, traveling, and hanging out with his cat Alli in his spare time. Some memories I have with Billy are, we have chips and root beers on our way to see Pirate. Billy is a barrel of laughs. Billy dislikes suffering, green peppers, onions, cigarettes, and soap operas. Billy is my step dad and I love him because he is nice, goofy, and friendly to me.

Jennifer is my Mom. My Mom has 3 awesome kids. She LOVES animals, plays guitar, and has a red belt in karate. Jennifer fosters animals, does karate, photography, rock collecting, and playing with her kids. Me and my Mom do lots of things together, like tubing in the summer, fishing, karate, reading books, hanging out, humane society …show more content…

He plays soccer, and is a good player. Lukas likes Star Wars, and plays lightsabers with the neighbors. Lukas’s favorite animal is the cat. Lukas loves to play with toys, and just play in general. Lukas watches TV, plays with friends, plays, plays playmobile, plays Legos, and Nerf Guns in his spare time. He likes green, rubber duckies, popsicle erasers, cats, karate, and Sunflowers. Lukas dislikes rats, lobsters, bugs, cliff hangers, suspense, and thieves. One memory I have with Lukas is we were tubing at the cabin, and we were hanging on the back of the tube. I love Lukas because he’s fun to play with, and a good

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