How Did Henry Ford Changed The Working Field

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Henry Ford was an American engineer who changed the working field with his company Ford. Ford helped the start of the Industrial Revolution and made cars available for everyone. Henry Ford helped give jobs to everyone. Henry changed the work week, changed hours to keep workers more focused and change the price every worker got paid to make one of the fastest working factory. Ford made one of the first automobile companies, made the assembly line, and changed the work week. Henry Ford made one of the first gas powered cars in America. He first worked for Edison to fix steam engines. Henry found out about gas engines in a British magazine. During his job, he had free time when the steam engines were good. During this time, he started working on a gasoline engine. In 1893, he created his first working gas engine. His first automobile was the quadricycle over the years he made three different types of quadricycle. In 1899, he was finally ready to make his first company. He tried to make a delivery van but …show more content…

This event shocked the news and other businesses. Other factories had workers work 6 days a week and for extensive hours a day. His reason behind this was that when workers worked long hours each day with one day break they would sometimes skip work because they needed to rest. Also, Henry found out after eight hours of work the workers would grow tired and lazy and he found there was no reason to keep them working those extra hours. He also changed their salaries. Their pay went from 2-3 dollars to 5-dollars a day. He did this to keep the workers from slacking off or skipping work. No one after that change would skip work because they couldn’t afford losing a 5-dollar a day job. Other companies thought his idea was crazy and didn’t believe it would work out. This idea made Ford even more popular and brought Ford loads more money. Henry’s idea did work out and is now the norm of today’s work

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