How Does Atticus Finch Show Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Atticus Finch, a loving father once said “ It’s not okay to hate anybody.”(Lee 282) In the book “To Kill A Mockingbird” by Harper Lee, the protagonist Jean Louise Finch(Scout) is living with her brother Jeremy Atticus Finch (Jem) and her widowed father Atticus Finch in the town of Maycomb County, Alabama. The book takes place during the Great Depression. The story is told by Scout’s point of view. Atticus Finch, her father and a lawyer, is defending Tom Robinson a black man who is accused of raping Mayella Ewell, a white woman. This is during the times of segregation and racial discrimination. The novel represents the importance of setting high moral values, as it teaches us that inequity against others often results in the occurrence of social/emotional …show more content…

To Atticus this case resembles chance. He believes that everyone should have a fair chance to speak out for what they believe in. As Tom Robinson’s trial took place, Atticus was determined to prove Tom’s innocence as his testimonies prove that towards the case but is declared guilty. This has occurred because Tom Robinson felt sorry for Mayella when Atticus was questioning Bob. This has lead the jury not to believe that a black man could feel sorry for a white woman. Their prejudice had lead them to convict Tom of being guilty. Atticus knows that when it comes to a trial between the white’s and black’s, the whites always win because those are the facts of life. In this coming of age novel, Atticus Finch is proven to be a modern day hero who fights for the rights of other people. Atticus Finch acts for the greater good and not for himself. He believes that in life if he does not try to help others, he can no longer live with himself. Atticus Finch is defined by his actions, not his potential. Atticus stands up for what he believes in and what he thinks is right for the better of his society. Atticus Finch exhibits courage in the face of …show more content…

His beliefs leads him to stand up for what he believes in and what he thinks is right for the better of his society. A mad dog has been found in the Finch’s town and Atticus acts to save his family as they are his weak spot and would do anything to protect them. Atticus was considered the best shooter in Maycomb so he acted and shot the dog. Jem was confused as to why Atticus had started hunting again and Miss Maudie began to say “ I think maybe he put his gun down when he realized that God had given him an unfair advantage over most living things.”(Lee 130) Atticus had a huge belief in fairness and respect. If Atticus thought he had an unfair advantage over killing an animal, he would not do it unless it was completely necessary. He believes that being a noble person who treats others with kindness and respect is far more important that shooting a gun correctly. Atticus had the opportunity to shoot the dog in an instant but because of his beliefs and morals he had waited until it was absolutely the correct time. Atticus soon decides to teach the kids a life lesson. Atticus sends Jem to go and talk to Ms Dubose after he cut all the flowers in her garden. Scout is worried for her brother so when her and Atticus were sitting on the couch he told her:
This case, Tom Robinson’s case, it’s something that goes to the essence of a man's conscience. Scout i couldn't go to church and worship God if i didn't try to help this man.

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