How Was Tom Robinson Treated In The 1920's

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Do not get around me! EW! Many people with different races hear this everyday of their life.

Sadly every race gets treated differently, and it is terrible we should be equal no matter the race.

This is just the same as it was in the 1920’s even though we have gotten better we can see

Harper Lee’s take on things in the 1920’s because Tom Robinson gets an unfair trial because of

his race, Women get treated poorly, and People being prejudice about Boo Radley.

Tom Robinson get an unfair trial because of his race. Bob hit mayella because he can use his

left hand, but Tom can not even though all of the evidence was there that Tom didn’t do anything

to her. He was found guilty, and Bob was let free. Also it states in the book that, “The state has

not produced one …show more content…

Some said he was a psycho who has never been out of the house,

and it crazy. Others would say he was just someone would was raised to stay in the house

because of his religion. In the end of the novel Boo comes out, and saves Jem from dying. In

the book it states,”Atticus, he was real nice” (Lee 323). It also states, “Most people are, Scout,

when you finally see them” (Lee 323). Both of them provide examples of how Scout always had

judge Boo to be a terrible, but when she actually met him he turned out to be really nice. People

can never judge a book by its cover, and this is definitely a time. Some people might say they

think it is okay to judge people before they get to know them, but really it is not okay because

you never know someone’s story until you actually get to know them.

In conclusion every race in everyday life gets discriminated, and is prejudice towards other

even though they don’t even really know the full story. Tom Robinson did not get a fair trial

because he is African American, A lot of people are prejudice against Boo, and women

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