Im Just A Bill Analysis

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When I first think of having to write of paper on a bill becoming a law, I think back to that one music video I had to watch most of my middle and high school years called “I’m Just a Bill” by Schoolhouse Rock, after reading the Bill into a Law pdf file showing all the step a bill must go through to become a law I realized how the song relates better. One part was in the video is in very beginning when the little boy says “whew, you sure do have to climb a lot of steps to get to this capital building in Washington.” This was so relatable to what I had read because there were I want to say more than 10 times the word “advance” and “die” were used when talking about whether a bill would pass or not. Bills becoming a law are a very long and drawn …show more content…

The Second Reading allows there to be the adding of amendments to improve the bill before it is either advanced or dies. The Third Reading allow more amendments. These three Readings are important because the First Reading introduces the bill but the Second and Third Reading amend it for not only more appeasement but also to better the bill, such as strengthen the policies and procedures it holds. The second chamber in which the bill has to go through is also important because it has to repeat every step it went through in the first chamber putting the bill through more risk of it “dying.” Lastly is going to the president to be signed or veto is another struggle for passing because if the president vetoes the bill then the House of representative has to choose to do nothing letting the bill “die” or over-ride the veto with a

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