
Informative Essay: Should Presidents Have Prior Military Experience?

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Should Presidents have prior military experience? Great leaders don't tell you what to do, they simply show you how it's done. The President of the United States of America is the Commander in chief of the entire military. This includes all military branches. Most officers of high commanding positions have spent their entire lives learning and getting the experience it takes to lead others. The military is a very complex group of individuals, made up of many different parts. In my personal opinion all the presidents should have military and leadership experience prior to becoming the president. I say this for multiple reasons, the president has the ability to declare war, how can we as americans put our husbands and wives, our sons and …show more content…

In chronological order they are: George Washington, General and Commander in Chief of the Continental Army. Thomas Jefferson, Colonel of the Virginia Militia. James Madison, Colonel of the Virginia Militia. James Monroe, Major of the Continental Army. Andrew Jackson, Major General of the U.S Army. William Henry Harrison, Major General of the Kentucky Militia. John Tyler, Captain of the Virginia Militia. James K. Polk, Colonel of the Tennessee Militia. Zachary Taylor, Major General or the U.S Army. Millard Fillmore, Major of the Union Continentals(home guard). Franklin Pierce, Brigadier General of the New Hampshire Militia. James Buchanan, Private of the Pennsylvania Militia. Abraham Lincoln, Captain of the Illinois Militia. Andrew Johnson, Brigadier General of the U.S Army. Ulysses S. Grant, General of the U.S Army. Rutherford B. Hayes, Major General of the U.S Army. James A. Garfield, Major General of the U.S Army. Chester A. Arthur, Brigadier General of the New York Militia. Benjamin Harrison, Brevet Brigadier General of the U.S Army. William McKinley, Brevet Major of the U.S Army. Theodore Roosevelt, Colonel of the U.S Army. Harry S. Truman, Colonel of the U.S Army Reserves. Dwight D. Eisenhower, General of the U.S Army. John F. Kennedy, Lieutenant U.S. Naval Reserve. Lyndon B. Johnson Commander U.S. Naval Reserve. Richard M. Nixon, Commander U.S. Naval Reserve. Gerald R. Ford Jr., Lieutenant Commander U.S. Naval …show more content…

Such as loyalty, duty, respect, selfless service, honor, integrity,and personal courage. These are values that stick with you, values that are embedded in your conscience.Even as a military child like myself, these are values you just simply dont ignore. It would almost feel like an act of betrayal to one's country if one of these morals is gone against. These are values that we can only hope every person would have, much less our very own president. Loyalty, staying faithful to our country. With as much hostility in the world as there is today, we can not afford to be betrayed by someone our soldiers are supposed to look up to. Duty, during the campaign process, each candidate has the opportunity to state what they plan to do if elected president. This is what I would call their duty. It is there job to fulfill the promises that were made. In my lifetime I have yet to see a president do his hardest to fulfill the promises made during his campaign. Respect, respect is a big thing in the military. Well, in America in general, our parents were taught to always respect your elders, or your superiors.However for some reason in today's day and age we seem to think that respect is a two way street, and in some cases thats correct. The president should respect the people as he is an alleged democratic leader. The president is the spokesperson for the

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