Informative Essay: The 911 Terrorist Attack

353 Words2 Pages

Andrew F.

The 911 terrorists attack was the greatest act of terrorism ever killing over 2,996 people including the hijackers. But what caused the great terrorists of 911 to do the disturbing deed that resulted in over 2,000 deaths keep reading to crash into the story, you never knew.

COOL FACTS To start our story off we have the supplier, the brains, and the muscle.
Osama bin laden- the supplier as you can tell he funded the attack, and let the plan go through. Osama wanted to bring the towers down after another attempt had failed. The first attempt wasn 't by osama ,but was by a man named Ramzi yousef who had planted a truck in a parking lot under the twin towers it exploded and failed to bring the tower down. Now osama bin laden is funding

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