
James Monroe Accomplishments

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James Monroe was the fifth President of the United States and the last President from the “Virginia Dynasty” (the four previous Presidents were all from Virginia). His Presidency, which lasted from 1817 to 1825, was overall highly effective. He was very popular amongst Americans and he was eager to promote the feeling of unity that had developed as a result of the U.S. victory in the War of 1812. Although America did experience some tough times, like the Panic of 1819, he led his people through an time known as the “Era of Good Feelings,” which was characterized by a strong sense of nationalism and peace. The economy was doing well and Henry Clay’s “American System” helped to promote industry and manufacturing. Also, this time only consisted of one political party, the Democratic-Republicans, which decreased the political tensions. …show more content…

His three major ones were the Monroe Doctrine and his acquisition of Florida from Spain. With the Monroe Doctrine, James Monroe established that no European power would be allowed to interfere in the western hemisphere and any attempts to do so would be seen as a threat. This Doctrine established the U.S. foreign policy for many years and defined American interests in the world. With Britain backing Monroe with his policy, no European nation dared to enter that area. Monroe also established neutrality with Latin America. Not only did Monroe succeed in protecting his country from foreign powers, but he also succeeded in expanding it. He saw that Spain was struggling to hold onto the Florida territory, so he made a deal with them. He bought the entire area from them for only $5 million in 1819. He established a peaceful relationship with

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