Jane Goodall's Impact On Science

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Jane Goodall was born on April 3, 1934 in England. As a kid she was always interested in animals. She tried to study animals and read about them as much as possible. She was also very interested in Africa long before she traveled there. She went to private school and then she got employed to be a secretary at a university. Jane was determined to go to Africa and to pay for it, she worked at a film company in her spare time. In July 1960, she went to Africa to study animals, she had no scientific experience and she found a group of chimps to study. Her first problem was that they wouldn’t come near her and she couldn’t get near them before they left. She developed a strong trust with them and she could get nearer to them, around 30 feet. She noticed that the chimps made and used tools to get food, too. The chimps made Jane famous and she was on magazines and videos. …show more content…

She disproved many beliefs and became to understand the chimps and gain their trust. We have learned a lot thanks to Jane. She is a women well known for her chimps and her discoveries about them. Jane was very brave to get near to the chimps and become their friends, she has their trust and we know much more because of her

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