Mark Twain Literary Analysis

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Another example of metaphor in the novel is how Mr. Twain depicts the characters to enunciate his views of the bigotry of social norms pushing the reader in a sense to understand what he means. Huckleberry Finn with his innocence and Jim with a thirst for equality metaphorically portray the minorities, Pap the trope of humanity that are corrupted and deprived by those that are uncivilized. “You’re educated, too, they say—can read and write. You think you’re better’n your father, now, don’t you, because he can’t? i’ll take it out of you”(Twain 21) Widow Douglas and Miss Watson stand for the comity of religious woman in America and the judge is stands for the government with laws and regulations. Finally and very importantly to be clear Mark Twain utilized Diction and word choice to reveal the different languages in the South derived from these cultures in an effort for the reader to engage in a more realistic approach for his message about slavery, society and standards to be understood. In the beginning of his novel Mr. Twain in a clever detail as the narrator and character explains about the different dialects that are found especially in Missouri “the Missouri negro dialect; the extremest form of the backwoods Southwestern dialect; the ordinary “Pike County” dialect; and four modified varieties of this last “(Twain 4) . Mark Twain tells adventurous tale is told by a teenager’s point of view successfully with colloquial language. That is words and expressions of

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