Mayflower Elementary Schools: Case Study

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Summary Mayflower Elementary School District is coming under criticism from the community in regards to low achievement scores of its students. The school district is getting flack regarding the perception that the quality of instruction by the instructional staff is poor as well. Superintendent Ralph Jones, in an effort to be more sensitive to stakeholder needs, decided that parents and guardians would complete surveys regarding their opinion of the effectiveness of instructional staff. Every teacher was told that the results will be the driving force behind the district’s teacher improvement and evaluation program. The survey asked parents to rate teacher effectiveness on the following criteria:
1. Monitors the student’s progress …show more content…

I wouldn’t solely base my teacher evaluation on this information alone. I would also give the same survey to the teacher, and have the teacher complete it. As superintendent, I would complete a survey for each teacher. I would then have an individual conference with each teacher. During this conference, we would look for similarities and differences with regards to the questions. This would give us time to discuss some possible new instructional strategies, classroom management ideas, or professional development opportunities with each other. Hopefully, this would be a non-threatening change for some great and productive dialogue to take place. The survey would let the teacher see how others view them as an educator. I’m sure if anyone of the stakeholders had a personal “issue” with a teacher that it would be obvious during the examination of the survey. We would have to always be mindful that the purpose of education is to always do what is best for the child. We would have to buy into the mindset that things can always be improved . These two beliefs would help keep us from becoming complacent and keep us from resting on our

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