Miracle Gro Osmosis Lab

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The experiment we did was a lab to discover how “Miracle Gro” affected the germination of seeds. My group’s original hypothesis was that the seeds with the highest concentration of “Miracle Gro” would grow the most compared to the other seeds. However, after 8 days, the results were the exact opposite; the seeds that got 0% of “Miracle Gro” turned out to be the healthiest and tallest. By the third day, all five seeds, for the water solution, where sprouting. On the other hand, the solution with 4% “Miracle Gro” only had 3 seeds starting to sprout. In addition, the average height of the seed, with pure water, after 8 days, was 8.9 centimeters whereas the average height of the seeds with 4% of “Miracle Gro” was 0.3 centimeters. The difference there is a whopping 8.6 centimeters. Not only that, but the seeds have a coating and when it separates from the seed that signals that the seed is beginning to germinate. After the 8 days, the seeds with only water were all separated from their covering, while the 4% solution only had 2 beginning to peel. Finally, we concluded that because of osmosis, the seeds with more “Miracle Gro” were bound to grow the least. Osmosis says that water wants to go into the area with the less concentration of water, in this case, the seeds. Water triggers the seed’s embryo to begin to grow again. All of this happened with the …show more content…

Other experiments using the same concept could be done. As an exemplification, one could try to use the solutions on different seeds to see if the seed type affected the experiment. Or maybe one should put the seeds in soil and then add the solution to see if the soil changes the outcome. Also, there could be an even less concentrated mixture of “Miracle Gro and water because there might have been too much “Miracle Gro” added. Additionally, it can be added to already grown plants to see the effect it has on

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