Mla Citation For Night By Elie Wiesel

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It's a stormy, dark, and cold night in the middle of nowhere, Elizer and the rest of the group have been running for hours without a drop of rest. The soviets were closing in on them, and the Nazis would not rest until we had reached the other concentration camp. Will they reach it in time or get slaughtered by the Soviets? Night tells the story of Eliezer Wiesel, a studious Orthodox Jewish teenager living in Hungary in the early 1940s who is sent to Auschwitz, a concentration camp. In Auschwitz, Eliezer struggles to maintain his faith, bearing witness as the other prisoners lose faith and humanity. The prisoners experience starvation, succumb to disease, and are abused by the guards. The Nazi doctors regularly perform selections where they …show more content…

And by executing this, Elie Wiesel was able to complete three goals, raise the stakes, set up the problem, and show the character's motivation. In the text, it states, “Over there. Do you see the chimney over there? Do you see it? And the flames, do you see them?” (Yes, we saw the flames.) “Over there, that’s where they will take you. Over there will be your grave. You still don’t understand? You sons of bi***es. Don’t you understand anything? You will be burned! Burned to a cinder! Turned into ashes!” His anger changed into fry. We stood stunned, petrified. Could this be just a nightmare?” As frightening as it sounds to us readers, it was 100x nerve racking to the actual jews there. But, while reading this, we get to see how Elizer and everyone else was feeling, using the technique of showing what and how the main character’s were feeling. It also got across the goal of setting up the problem, as we now know it is the giant death chamber, the cremation. By setting up the problem, we also know what their motivation is, and that is not to get burned by the chimney. So they end up working as hard as they can, or else they get burned. Another goal that was accomplished by this technique was to raise the stakes. Knowing that Elizer would either get burned or put …show more content…

By doing all of these, he has managed to make the book even more engaging than it already is. The first three goals used in the story were to raise the stakes, set up the problem, and show the character's motivation. By doing these, the author managed to create a technique of expressing how the main characters were feeling. The next three goals were to introduce the characters, stir empathy, and build suspense. Doing these, it managed to create another technique, 1st/3rd person point of view. The last three goals were to express furthermore on the settings, build the mood, and get the readers to predict furthermore actions along the rest of the book. By doing all of these, the author managed to create more creativity, understanding, volume, and imagery. Showing the different symbols got the picture across my head and creating suspense makes the book way more exciting, and there are a lot of other goods that the goals and techniques created, but all in all, Elie Wiesel did a fantastic job with his techniques and goals as it gave the book more

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