Monsters And Villains In The Odyssey By Robert Fitzgerald

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B-block Monsters and Villains in The Odyssey The Odyssey is one of the first stories ever told. It was told thousands of times before it was even written down. Since it was told so many times the story has been changed changed with every version. The first person to ever write does The Odyssey was Homer, however the version that will be referred to in this essay was translated by Robert Fitzgerald. Robert Fitzgerald had picked what he considered the most accurate version of the story. He had most likely changed several things about other stories, some things however, several things about this story stay the same in almost every version. One of the few things that rarely changes are the characters. The villains in The Odyssey are no exception …show more content…

313-315). Polyphemus takes Odysseus and members of his crew, and kills several of them. ODysseus and his crew treated Polyphemus with respect and offered him gifts, but Polyphemus still brutally murdered several men. Odysseus tricks Polyphemus by telling him his name is Nohbdy, and gets Polyphemus drunk on potent wine. The Odysseus and his crew stab Polyphemus in his one eye. This allows Odysseus and his men to escape. Skylla another monster from The Odyssey. Even if Polyphemus did not kill all of the men that wandered into his cave, by killing the men that he did, it made it harder for Odysseus to return home. Skylla’s “legs-/and there were twelve-are like great tentacles,/ unjointed, and upon her serpent necks/ are borne six heads like a nightmares of ferocity,/ with triple serried rows of fangs and deep/ gullets of black death” (XII. 106-111) Skylla will eat anything that came within the vicinity of her laier, this happened to include six of Odysseus’ men. Skylla sets Odysseus back again in his quest by killing some of his men making it harder for the rest of the men to return home. Another monster was Kharybdis was the personification

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