Norms In Today's Society

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Norms are things that people do on a regular basis in society. People look at norms as normal things we do every day in life. We have a set of norms in today’s world. For example, as a normal person, we wear clothing apparel every day when we walk out of the house. If we did not wear clothing walking out of the house or just wore underwear, people would stare because that is not the norm of society. Another norm of today society is gay marriage. Gay marriage came a long way compared to the older generation growing. Gay marriage was not accepted as a norm in society. People look at gay marriage as a deviant act, but in today society gay marriage is legalized because we are more accepting to people who are outside the norm.
In the movie, …show more content…

We all have different roles growing up in life. For an example, growing up, my mother had the role of being a mother by taking care of me and the role of being a father by bringing home the money to put food on the table. Roles are sometimes held by people who have power and sometimes that power goes to the wrong person who is not a good role model. Over the years roles have changed from the nuclear family idea to females getting the right to vote and go to work. The female role has changed over the year from staying at home to almost becoming the president of the united states. Not only the roles have changed for females, but male’s roles have changed to. Males sometimes stay home now and clean, cook, and take care of the kids, while the wife goes to work. Society has acted these roles over the years as normal compared to the 50s where males would go to work and females stayed …show more content…

The first example of a deviant act from the movie American me is when they were running away from the other gang because they went into the wrong territory and they had to break a window to get into this guy’s bar to get away from the people chasing them. Another deviant act is when he went to juvenile hall and one of the inmates proceed to rape him and after the guy was done raping him, Montoya turned around and killed the person that raped him. After that incent, he gained respect and that is where his role of a gang leader took off.
Durkheim considered deviance a normal part of society because without deviance what would society look like? Deviance helps keep the world in check. For an example, by punishing people for the wrongful act they have commit, helps show people of the society the difference between right and wrong. When you are in a gang environment different acts of deviance are leaned from current members called socialization. Deviance is sometimes a learned behavior for an example how to steal off people or how rob a store in a gang that is a norm to commit deviant

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