Once Upon A Quincena Analysis

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The point is not to pay back kindness, but to pass it on. A girl, a daughter, a loving wife to Bill Eichner, her husband, and a kind friend. New York City baby in the 1950’s. She was raised in the Dominican Republic until she was ten. She is an essayist and novelist and poet. She has a couple of hobbies, like multitasking in hobbies. This Beautiful person is named Julia Alvarez. She moved from the Dominican Republic back to New York City when she was ten. That fact is important because she got involved in the underground and soon my family was in deep trouble. They left hurriedly in 1960, many of Alvarez’s works are influenced by her experiences as a Dominican in the United States. That statement is important because a lot of her books refer to that point in her life and her books are more personal because they are from experience. Once Upon a Quincena is one of the books she wrote. Julia loves writing books, novels, and poetry. Writing is one of her passions. One of her books is called “Once upon a quincena”. This book is about a Quincena. She watches anxiously and sometimes …show more content…

Their criticism said very positive things like that it was intimate which means very close and also novelistic as comparing to novel traits and sociological which is the study of behavior. The criticism is very agreeable. It had really good detailed points. I definitely think sociology is a good synonym .It is talking about different behaviors or society and just how this is a Latino tradition. I honestly think that's very sociological. Another critic point said it was intimate. Everyone is kind of close in this book and that is what intimate means, close. They're family and friends. The critique says that it is novelistic. That is very agreeable because it has novel like characteristic that are very well. It was representing character and action with some degree of

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