Participation Backwards

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Participation trophies are a threat to children’s social skills and their future. Participation trophies have been a front line topic that started in the early 2000’s, people claim that it gives children a confidence boost and makes them tackle their dreams, but in reality it awards them by making them spoiled and they will quit the first time they 're discouraged or don’t succeed. Participation trophies are a threat to children 's social skills and their future. Parents feel comforted and happy when their kids are happy, so they don’t want to see them discouraged when they lose a game. “When faced with the prospect of competition, children often withdraw. Confronting the possibility of losing can make even the most stalwart child feel …show more content…

Participation trophies are giving children an unrealistic outlook on life by giving them what they did not deserve. If a child comes in fourth, fifth or even third and second in some sports don 't deserve a trophy for showing up. Kids usually outgrow the participation stage when they get into middle school, but before that is the crucial learning skills a kid goes through and if they want to continue a sport or not. “ In youth sports, no two words are more inflammatory than “participation trophy,” those “awards” given to kids just for showing up, regardless of how well they play”. Says Chris Waller from Gale opposing viewpoints. Kids remember stuff when they laugh or when they feel happy, but it 's not always a good experience like a cuss …show more content…

“ That if you tell a kid they’re wonderful and they believe you, then it just confirms their belief and that’s not about healthy self-esteem, that 's about narcissism”. Says Ashley Merryman, co-author of “ Top Dog: The Science of Winning and Losing”. A Participation trophy makes a kid more of a narcissist than a team player. They learn that they don 't need to try for a trophy or they are one of the best because they get a trophy every season. Kids can have negative biological impacts too C. Robert Cloninger, a doctor at Washington university in saint Louis used the term “partial-reinforcement extinction effect to describe what kids experience from a participation trophy. This means if you constantly reward a kid, you spoil them, and you don 't build a capacity for them to be resilient to frustration. This blunts their competitive edge and they have never properly dealt with adversity. Ashley Merryman Having studied recent increases in narcissism and entitlement among college students, she warns that when living rooms are filled with participation trophies, it 's part of a larger cultural message: to succeed, you just have to show up. In college, those who 've grown up receiving endless awards do the requisite work, but don 't see the need to do it well. In the office, they still believe that attendance is all it takes to get a promotion.The first time they come home a loser they complain to their parents about how they deserve a trophy and how they are better than all the

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