Personal Essay: My Experience With Underserved

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I possess the experience of having lived in an underserved area and good humor necessary for the study of medicine. Medicine is a field that can be taxing on a person mentally and emotional because of the things one encounters everyday. A good sense of humor can keep up good spirits. Laughter and smiling is medicine for the soul and they are contagious. Having lived in underserved areas I used my good humor to stay in a happy place. Due to my personal experience with underserved areas draws me to FSU COM. This medical school provides the opportunity for their third and fourth year students to work with underserved populations to respond to the needs of the community. After receiving my degree I would have had the experience necessary for me …show more content…

During the spring 2016 semester I enrolled in physics II, organic chemistry II, and biochemistry, while also being a student researcher and participating in extracurricular activities. The combination of all of this left me feeling a little overwhelmed and stressed, to say the least, but I found a way to balance it all and still maintain good grades. I owe my ability to endure that semester to my ambition and the supportive community at Spelman. It was ambition that helped me through this difficult semester. My strong desire to learn the necessary material and have a satisfactory grade helped me by allowing me to expend all my possible resources to achieve the outcome I wanted. This is not something mere intelligence could accomplish. It is ambition that kept from being deterred and remaining focused on the goals I have made for myself. As a medical doctor and as a medical student, I may have moments that I am overwhelmed and my drive will continue to help me maintain. Over these four years at Spelman College, each semester I have gradually been a learning experience and growth promoting Everyone is here to encourage and help you succeed. It is this trait that has drawn me to Florida State University College of medicine. Here yall promote a collaborative environment so that the students may work together to

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