Personal Narrative: My Family Flew To Cancun, Mexico

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You’d think when someone says, “Oh, I had a near-death experience one time,” that people would be in their face worriedly asking them what happened. If I were to explain to people how I almost died, they would be laughing. During the summer, my family flew to Cancun, Mexico for a vacation. The hotel was quite charming, and there was a giant pool! Which was actually unfortunate because I couldn’t swim at that time. However, the rest of my family could, so the kids changed into swimsuits, and we ran to the pool. Once we reached the pool, the adults laid out our towels, and the children jumped into the pool. Well, except for me. Sitting on the first step, my stubby legs dangled from the ledge. I wanted to swim too, but I couldn’t...but it looked

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