Persuasive Essay On Aspartame

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There has been a very large controversy on Aspartame and how bad it is for people. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener used all around the world for many food products. Aspartame can be found in diet soda, gum, yogurt, and sugarless candy. This artificial sweetener has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) and the The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). A controversial claim I found online about Aspartame is it is: “By far the most dangerous substance added to food today”. Dr. Joseph Mercola was the man who said this controversial claim. I chose to write on this subject because aspartame is a sweetener seen often in my home. My family often purchases diet sodas, and I was curious to know how unhealthy it is for someone because of controversial claims I see on the Internet. It is believed that aspartame can lead to cancer and deadly diseases. In this essay, I will demonstrate why aspartame is not as unhealthy as what people say it is.

To begin with, it is believed that aspartame can be dangerous, but that is over exaggerated because most sources do not explain at what point it becomes deadly. Aspartame was approved by the Food and Drug Administration(FDA) and the The European Food Safety …show more content…

This study was done in Bologna, Italy, and they claimed that aspartame had a link to cancer. They used rats to prove their theory, by giving them doses very similar to the acceptable daily intake for humans. Their study concluded that rats who were fed aspartame for a lifetime, found a significant increase in lymphomas, leukemias, and other types of cancers. Once the EFSA reviewed this study, they began running certain tests, to see if their study makes sense. After conducting many tests, the EFSA concluded that the Ramazzini Foundation study turned out to be false. The EFSA concluded that aspartame is safe within the recommended daily

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